
I'm Demi. I have been studying the arts of ceremony for a decade, and it's my greatest honour to facilitate powerful rites of passage for you. 

I am a trained and certified Sacred Sexual Priestess of Rhiannon, intensively schooled in how to create ceremony for women's rites of passage - menarche, marriage, birth, motherhood, miscarriage, abortion, loss, queen-hood, menopause and croning. 

🕊 I'm a certified Temple Guide, trained to hold transformative ceremonial space and powerful group ceremony. 

🕊 I am a trained Scent Priestess and Myrrophore in the tradition of Mary Magdalene, skilled and schooled in the holy arts and healing of anointing with essential oils, and I work as a passage guide for honouring death and the dying. 

My grounded, down-to-earth vibe sets people at ease and my ceremonial presence is big-hearted, loving and activating.

What is a Priestess?

​A priestess means a servant of the sacred. It's my job to create ceremonies and be the witness to change and transformation in your life, and create portals of presence in which you can process, release or step into a new phase of life. 

My devotion is to the imminent divinity in all things - meaning that life itself and everything in it is sacred. That is what I tend and love and nurture and share with you. 

However you choose to honour and identify the sacred - wether that's through pagan gods and goddesses, openminded love of Jesus, Hindu devotion, yogic dedication, deep abiding adoration of the natural world or just thinking that trees and art are brilliant - is alright with me.

I'm here to serve you and your connection to YOUR sacred, whatever that is.  

I am an initiated Priestess of the Goddess, and my personal devotion is to the Goddesses of Love and Transformation. 

I work full time as a Priestess. I run regular red tents, ceremonial circles and spiritual wellness workshops at the Red Tent Temple in Cambridge UK, spiritual retreats and initiations across the country and run an online mystery school devoted to the Priestess Arts.

Ceremony is my happy place! It's what I am best at and I am so thrilled to serve you through creating ceremony for all the passages of your life. 

I am also a professional belly dancer of twenty years, an ex-professional mermaid and I make a mean cardamom chocolate torte.