
Miscarriage and Abortion Ceremonies

Rite of Loss

Ceremonies for Miscarriage and Abortion

Miscarriage is such a hidden hurt for women today. There often is not a socially acceptable space for us to grieve our loss - and often we feel obligated to shut away our pain, wish our sadness away, and hide the emotional fallout of this huge and heartbreaking loss from the world. 

Abortion too. Even if an abortion was the correct choice for us personally at this time, it can still often be a devastating experience with a grief and shame that runs as an undercurrent in our lives.

These moments have been left lost in the world, with no support system or rite of passage to help you get through it - this is a HUGE thing that you have been through, and you deserve sacred ceremony to feel, process and understand it.  

A Miscarriage or Abortion ceremony is created for you to honour this ending in your life
It provides you with the healing open space to grieve and be witnessed in your grief. It helps you to process what you have gone through and bring you a sense of forgiveness, grief and acceptance. 

These ceremonies can be immensely healing and life changing for women who have been through this very difficult transition. 

Your ceremony can take place in your home or at our dedicated Temple space in Cambridge, at the Wild Moon Hideaway. It can be just with you and your Priestess, yourself and your partner, or you can invite intimate and trusted companions to be your witness too - however, this is a ceremony for you

Pricing and Booking

A miscarriage or abortion ceremony costs £150.
Bursaries are available for those in need, so if you need a ceremony but the price is out of your range, get in touch anyway. 

If you require a Miscarriage or Abortion ceremony, get in touch. 

Enquire about a ceremony