Bespoke Personal Ceremonies

Ceremonies for YOU.

Need a ceremony that's not listed on this site, or have a particular life passage or situation you would love to perform ritual around?

Get in touch and chat about a Bespoke Personal Ceremony, created just for you.

I can create a ceremony to be performed by you and me together, or you can invite your friends and family to join us.

Bespoke ceremonies I can create for you:

Baby Naming Ceremonies (ceremonies to bless and introduce a new child to the extended family)

Menarche/First Period Ceremonies (for girls at their first period, or grown ups who want the experience!)

Marriage Preparation (Anointing, sacred bathing and ritual preparation for marriage: best to do the day before the wedding with your bridesmaids or close friends!)

Divorce or Relationship Release Ceremonies

Transition Affirmation Ceremonies (celebrating you and welcoming you to your new true identity after gender transition/reassignment)

Grief Ceremonies

Queening Ceremonies (Honouring the passage into midlife and reclaiming the post-menopausal/menopausal time as a transition of power and creativity)

Croning Ceremonies (honouring and welcoming you as an elder in your family and community!)

Goddess VIP Days

Ready to be lavished upon?

If you are needing a big beautiful self care day, a Goddess VIP Day is the way to go.

You will be welcomed to the sacred space with a rose petal foot bath - washing the feet of the beloved is an ancient sacred practice that infuses love into your being.

Wether you need to release old relationships, bless a new pathway forward, or just luxuriate in the energy of love, I will create a bespoke ceremony for you to transform and call in your desires.

You will receive a powerful and luxurious anointing to activate and fll your body with divine love...

... and to finish we will create a personalised anointing oil perfume to work magic in your life and help you step into your power.


Are bursaries available for bespoke ceremonies?

The only bespoke ceremony that is eligible for a bursary is the Transition Affirmation Ceremony - if needed we can offer partial to full bursaries for this.

Need a ceremony? Let's chat!

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